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Buku - Buku Karya Baden Powell

Buku - Buku Karya Baden Pawel termasuk mempunyai koleksi yang sangat banyak
Selain Buku Scouting For Boys, Aids To Scouting dan Rovering to Success, Baden Powell juga menulis buku lainnya, antara lain :

1. On Vdette ( 1883 )
2. Reconnaissance and Scouting ( 1885 )
3. Cavalry Instruction ( 1885 )
4. Pigsticking organisasi Hoghunting ( 1889 )
5. The Downfall of Prempeh ( 1896 )
6. The Metabele Campaign ( 1897 )
7. Sports In War ( 1900 )
8. Notes and Instructions for the South African Constabulary ( 1901 )
9. Sketches in Mafeking and East Afrika ( 1907 )
10. Yarns for Boy Scouts ( 1909 )
11. Scouting Games ( 1910 )
12. Handbook for Girl Guides ( dikerjakan bersama-sama dengan Agnes Baden Powell. 1912 )
13. Boy Scouts Beyond The Seas ( 1913 )
14. Indian Memories dan My Adventure as a Spy ( 1915 )
15. Young Knights of the Empire dan The Wolf Cub's Handbook ( 1916 )
16. Girl Guiding ( 1918 )
17. Aids to Scoutmastership ( 1919 )
18. What Scout Can Do ( 1921 )
19. An Old Wolf's Favourites ( 1921 )
20. Life's Sangs and How to Meet Them ( 1927 )
21. Scouting and Youth Movement ( 1929 )
22. Lessons from the Varsity of Life ( 1933 )
23. Adventures and Accident ( 1934 )
24. Scouting Round the World ( 1935 )
25. Adventuring to Manhood ( 1936 )
26. African Adventures ( 1937 )
27. Birds and Beasts of Africa ( 1938 )
28. Paddle Your Own Canoe ( 1939 )
29. More Sketches Of Kenya ( 1940 ) 

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